Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Maze art of Prime Numbers

Maze of Prime Number TWO - Primaze Solution
Everyone has things that they most enjoy in life. You have three. You love ice cream (who doesn’t, after all?). You love your cat. And you love playing online casino games and enjoying everything that the casino has to offer. Now, you’ve found the perfect way to combine all of these loves. Here is what you do. You get yourself a huge scoop of your favorite ice cream (chocolate with cookie dough in it) and then you sit down on your favorite couch with your cat. Next, you turn on the iPad and start to play roulette and poker. These are your favorite games. And by the end of the evening, you’ve managed to do the three things that you most love. You’ve eaten delicious ice cream. You’ve played awesome games and you’ve enjoyed sitting with your cats. What could be better than combining the three things that you most love and putting them all together in one evening? This is definitely the way to go and the way to enjoy your free time when you find yourself with some of it. You just have to make sure your ice cream doesn’t run out, because you know your cat and your casino games won’t.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Maze art of these days

animated gif of cat running up a slideSocial media is the latest hit for promotion business and services.  There are numerous articles written about all sorts of different subjects ranging from the best recipes to the best sporting activity and the best leisure activity. One of the areas that social media is weaker is that of social interaction together with leisure activates online. And the best outlet for this has to be the online casinos where players can interact with other players, with the customer service department and still enjoy the casino games and all that they have to offer. Additionally the player at the online casino is also able to do many other tasks at the same time as playing the casino games  including tidying the house, cooking and even filing. But who wants to do tasks all day long? There are also many other more fun and exciting cavities that players can do while enjoying the online casino games and these include solving puzzles or mazes, playing with their cat and even chatting with other players through one of the chat rooms that the casino offers. Because the online casino is so user friendly players are able to carry out a multitude of activates at once, whether they are playing a multi hand game of video poker together with petting their cat or waiting for the spinning roulette wheel to stop at the same time as working their way through another maze puzzle. All of these activities can be done at once.
swirl pattern abstract maze
Maze art of Squared Spheres Pattern - Solution to the maze